Friday, August 19, 2011


I've been added as a contributor at Trestin's Don't Tread On Us.  Not sure what I'll do yet in terms my writing.  May just cross-post stuff over there, or I may split my attempts at humor from my attempts at Serious CommentaryTM.  Either way, stick Don't Tread On Us in your feeder, your follow list, your bookmarks, the post-it note taped to your monitor, or however it is that you keep track of your favorite sites.


  1. Will do. Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V done on my The GoobleReader.

  2. Andy - One of the things I love about you is that you have STRONG OPINIONS on EVERYTHING. :)

  3. I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

  4. will do! cool. it's been a while since i've been there. and what's up with the "serious commentary" and the rattlesnake? are we supposed to be scared of you now?

  5. LL - Thank ya.

    cathysue - About once a month I take off the clown nose and try to write something kinda serious. The results can be a little scary. :)

    Moogie - Thanks.

  6. Must be nice to have that kind of time on your hands! Personally, it's all I can do to contribute to my own site.

  7. It's good to have you with us.

  8. Disqus sucks! Maybe even more than the miserable Ducks!

    Just sayin'...

  9. You remember what happened the last time you did this ... the blog stopped posting.

    Good Luck !


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