I was thinking this morning about putting up a post about how blogger seems to be having a lot of problems lately. Like not letting me save. Then not letting me post. Then giving me cryptic errors. I've been following Basil's Blog for a while but it wasn't showing recent posts. As a Windoze user, my instinct was to un-follow then re-follow and see what happens. More cryptic Blogger errors, with this latest one not even appearing in their knowledge base/help section. Kept trying. Eventually it worked. Cool. So nevermind, everything is fine.
Then I was going to snivel about how I was sooooo close to having 50 followers and how much I wanted to break that threshold. And suddenly, the 50th follower appeared. Woohoo! But Basil is so cool he follows me twice (note his twice-present happy kid gravatar), so do I really have 50? Barry would probably say I have 57, but I never believe him anymore, and besides, he (still) throws like a girl. Somebody out there, why don't ya go ahead and follow me so I can sleep well tonight knowing that I am officially cool enough to deserve 50 followers. I can't handle the uncertainty.
You just need a second opinion. So I asked Joe Biden how many you had and after a brief clack-clack-clack with an abacus, he said you had 96. That's a big f**king deal, inno!