Thursday, March 3, 2011

Now let my people go!

I am Attorney General Eric Holder.  I AM the law.  You will NOT screw with me, or MY PEOPLE.  If you have any doubts about who are "my people" then you are obviously not my people, because my people know what I'm talking about.  And don't you all be getting all Pharaoh on me with that "Equal Protection Under the Law" stuff, because, like I said, I AM the law.  See?  It says so right here.  So shove that in your cracker peace pipe and smoke it, and I'll see you in Philly on election day.


  1. Dooooooooooooooooooood

    Would it be cheesey if I linked to you for the 9th time this week?

    You've been feeding me like a bird lately, homie.

    Great work here.

  2. I who I are ... what do you F***ing think about that?

  3. Holder's comments are among the strangest. Then again, look at his boss.

  4. Every pack of cards has to have at least two JOKERS! Guess who the other one is!!!

  5. Excellent, Inno! Not sure how you manage this, unless you don't have a day job. That's more than a typical working guy should be able to manage in the few hours between job, food, rest.

    In any case, you manage to nail it.

  6. Well I figger he got tah holder it up on on his own, cuz he sure don't git it on for others.

    Self gratification iz a rather self servin' deal.

  7. Linkage coming...

    I'll bet little Eric lets them tablets go when they "pry 'em from his cold, dead fingers."

    Ooooops! That's Ncitement of violins...sorry..

  8. The first commandment of "My People"? Blame Whitey.

  9. he's only dividing people more with this kinda talk like the red sea. hey's labcat here. been gone a while. glad to see you're still at it.

  10. Holder makes me ROR!!! -KIM Jong IL

  11. "My people" indicates an inherently racist mentality. The man only believes in black or chocolate justice instead of equal justice for all - for both vanilla and chocolate peoples.

  12. Equality under the law? What a 20th century concept. So bourgeois! Society exists to protect certain groups only.

    Get with the program homie!

  13. Moses would send a burning bush in his shorts for that!

    All these libtards have God complexes, sheesh.


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