Thursday, October 8, 2009

Agreeing with Obama???

President Obeyme and his merry band of misfits have been struggling with a way to beat the Taliban and al-Qaeda without increasing troop levels. Yeah, he's trying to make the de-escalator leftoids happy while looking like only a partial wuss to everybody else. That tightrope is starting to wobble, Barry. You can't keep this up much longer! You need a game-changer!... Voila! The Taliban are no longer the bad guys!. The idea is to cede a portion of Af-Pak to these boy-rapin' Taliban wife-beaters and let them have some autonomy.

Here is where I actually agree with Bams. I think it is great that the Taliban have their own province. Offer them up their own little safe haven , and they'll flock to it like Detroit residents lookin' for BarryBucks. After they're all settled in and getting on with their goat molesting, we spring the trap - one target-rich province to bomb the bloody piss out of, instead of two whole countries! Pretty darned clever, that Obama guy, isn't he?
Um, you guys are giving me that look again. Did I say something stupid?


  1. No, it would only be stupid if you actually believed that the fairytale scenario would ever materialize.

    It's a dang fine pipe dream, m'boy! Dang fine.

  2. Repeat after Barry, "the Taliban is good, US troops are bad, the Taliban is good, US troops are bad, the Taliban is ...."

  3. He would not be that clever to think up such a plan...he can't even pick out a proper dog after 4 months! I think you should be CIC, Innominatus.

  4. then it'll be 4 years later, and a third-party candidate will finally be president.

  5. Mmmm...Mmmm...Mmmm, Innomimatus!


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