Monday, March 22, 2010

We can repeal this!


Ace just woke up and put up his first post of the day. I agree with his points.  Further, I believe that things are gonna be fine, fine, fine.  This naked power grab by the dems has soured many people on the D-baggers.  Nancy has won her little Pyrrhic Victory.  But WE will win upcoming elections.  WE will ram through the repeal.  And it will be glorious.

See, the lefties are having their little foretaste of socialized medicine.  It is like Gollum and his Preciousssss.  They love it.  They are euphoric.  And WE will snatch it right out of their warty bong-resin-stained fingers and stomp it and tear it up and laugh and mock their impotent little sobs.  For them to hold their precious, even briefly, and then it be snatched from them is even more humiliating than never having held it.  Oh, poor moonbat, you were soooo close!  You almost achieved your dream!  But now you have no presidency, no congress, no socialized medicine, no respect, and NO HOPE OF EVER GETTING ANY OF IT BACK!  Gahaahaahaa!  Neener-neener!  Sucks to be you!

I can't wait!


  1. I agree one hundred percent! And had I been clever and wordy like you, I'da said the exact same thing.

    Good stuff, Nameless Man!

  2. Well said dude. I would say that this is the best ever use of "neener" on any blog.

  3., you're on fire, man! ah, hm. little pun there. but yes, I think the states fighting back in court and the November slaughter are gonna be high points of the year.

  4. I second your "neener" and raise you a phhhhbbbbt! Fight on fighters!

  5. Good thoughts are needed but difficult.

  6. Can we ram something through Nancy in the meantime?

    I'll try to think about the sun coming out tomorrow, but I'd like to have Dady Warbucks bankroll me first. In offshore capital.

  7. Agreed, Inn.

    But here's the real challenge...holding the GOP's feet to the fire on this. You know the Lindsey Grahams and John McLames of the Republican delegation are gonna fold when the media starts to scrutinize them again.

  8. I share your optimism, Inno. It won't be easy, but it must be done. As the saying goes, "Where there's a will, there's a way."

  9. "This is FRUCKING big!!!"

    -KIM Jong IL

  10. They'll be screaming bloody murder when Pubbies control the purse strings and don't fund the POS program.

  11. When John Boehner tried to take away the bill, Pelosi bit off his finger.


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