Friday, February 19, 2010

Short Attention Span Theatre

When I get home from work, I rarely have food with me.  So my dogs think I am a lousy hunter.  It is a sad thing to go through life without even the respect of one's own dogs.


The Oregon Duck football team usually runs a no-huddle offense.  What do you call it when they do form a huddle?  A CRIME RING!


There is a recurring internet meme of MichelleO being either a wookie, a bigfoot, or a Klingon.  Obama goes to Henderson, Nevada.  To campaign for Harry Reid.  Connect the dots, people!


Lots of people are talking up CPAC.  Whee.  CPAC has been around for nearly 40 years and we still have dorks like McCain and Grahamnesty.  CPAC would be a lot cooler if there were a lot less speechifying and a lot more hand-to-hand combat.


The sport of curling would be a lot cooler if there were a lot less curling and a lot more hand-to-hand combat.  "This is my BROOMSTICK, you primitive screwheads!"


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Tiger Woods had his big boohoo session today.  Doesn't matter.  His days as The Innocent Hard Working All-American Success Story are over.  If I were his agent, I'd recommend embracing his new image.  Golf would be a lot cooler if Tiger were sponsored by Marlboro and Pabst Blue Ribbon and he went around the golf course slamming peoples' faces in the divots left by his Harley-Davidson.


  1. You forgot to add that Tiger should do all of that stuff with his schlong hanging out while accompanied by a team of Hooters girls.

  2. I too share your lukewarm reception of CPAC. IN fact no one really gave two shatners until Obama was elected and Congress came out of the socialist closet.

  3. Red - "gave two shatners" I love it. Now part of my daily vocabulary.

  4. I learned years ago that our pets only tolerate us because our opposable thumbs can operate the can opener.

  5. Good one Innominatus. As one with a short attention span, I can fully appreciate.....

  6. You are truly a great mind! Or grate mind, however you wanna spell it. Anyhoo, I like it.

    I have thought of these things too, myself, also, which only shows to go you, "grape mines think alike".

    "two shatners"...ya, that's funny! Good one, Red! You must have a grape mine, as well, too.


Family-friendly phrasing heartily encouraged.

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