Friday, May 25, 2012


I started a post yesterday about the lazy Greek gods on Mt. Olympus going looking for a handout from the hardworking Norse gods of Valhalla.  Seemed like a good premise, but I couldn't wring much funny out of it.  Digital roundfile....

Instead, I'll add my voice to those covering Brett Kimberlin.  I can't wait to see the look on his face when I slue the turret and he's looking right down the barrel of a blog that gets about 30 hits a day!  Anyway, Brett Kimberlin was convicted of the Speedway Bombings many years ago.  Today he is embraced by the far left, à la Bill Ayers.  He claims expertise in election integrity and is an advocate for old-fashioned paper ballots.  I guess prison must get pretty boring if there is nothing better to do there than ponder paper ballots.

While in prison, he also picked up some legal skills - which he uses against those who shine light on his criminal past.  Patterico, Aaron Worthing, Jeff @PW, RS McCain and a fair number of others have received harrassments and worse from Kimberlin and Kimberlin's associates.  Keep in mind, Kimberlin is not just an anonymous blog troller screaming "racism!" in the comments section.  He was convicted of setting bombs that blew people up.

It was suggested by Lee Stranahan that today be Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day**.  Many influential blogs and media outlets have jumped in. Besides those mentioned above, some that I'm aware of are Michelle Malkin, Ace, Glenn Beck's radio show and Blaze website and probably an uncountable number of little guys like me.

Truth will not be stifled!

**attempting to reach Lee's site is getting me a Bandwidth Exceeded Error.  So either he's under some kind of DoS attack or his efforts are going SO WELL that supportive people are flooding his site.  Have to wait and see which is the case...


  1. I just read about this POS on Hot Air and Breitbart. He's certainly a fitting target for one of your satirical barbs. Maybe you can get one going later that shows him and his vile political methods for what they really are.

    1. If I can think of something that is funny and yet won't prompt him to put a pipe bomb under my car, I'll post it posthaste.

  2. The best way to make this dirtbag irrelevant? Get him a job at MSNBC.

    1. Plus, he is very slightly less ugly than Ed Schulz. Win/win.

  3. LEE STRANAHAN was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago.

    His site's up; probably a glitch in the traffic pattern. Somehow I suspect you get way more than 30 hits a day, but every bit has to help.

    1. Actually, Sitemeter is showing about 24 visits and 32 page views per day right now. But it doesn't count people who run NoScript and such. Blogger's built-in stats show me getting about 120 page views a day, but a lot of those are linkspam bots from Russia and not actually eyes reading my stuff. So I figure the truth is somewhere around 30.

      Yes, I suck.

  4. I googled his name. There are page after page of yesterday's posts.

    Sitemeter I think is more accurate. Tell google not to track your page views. It was, unknowing to me, tracking me, and the hits were much bigger there than Sitemeter.

  5. Who?

    (Jes kiddin'... I've read the stuff you've linked, some even before you linked it.) (That said, the Boy is the future of Progressive Politics, donchaknow.)

  6. I read a bit about this elsewhere, doesn't make sense to me, unless people are slandering the fellow, I'm surprised he even has a case.

    1. He doesn't have a case, but that doesn't stop him. I'm not sure if our court systems are similar, but in civil matters here, one must appear and defend oneself or risk losing by default. It can get expensive. Even in losing, he costs his "opponents" a lot of money. Some states have laws against this kind of misbehavior; others don't. He makes a point of bringing suits in those that don't.


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