Saturday, January 14, 2012

Been diddlin' with the template

Don't think I'm done yet, but good enough for now.  Feedback appreciated.  Especially if it is too wide for your display.  It is too big for my old-school CRT at home, but I'm sure it'll be fine on my too-cool-for-you LCD at work.


  1. I like it. The display's too wide for my laptop (I have to scroll over to see yer sidebar) but it'll prolly look fine on my desktop.

    wv: sayerme. Well, yes. That would be me that's sayin'.

    1. Thanks. Looks like the threaded commenting is working, too.

  2. It's too big for my rather small display but I never read anyone's sidebar anyway.

    1. So, if I ever have something obnoxious to say about you, I know where to hide it.


  3. I'm on my laptop now and it looks fine to me.

  4. Give Max your password, and ask him to examine your template settings.

    Max works with code. I haven't had to for decades. There is a template setting that your not setting correctly...I looked for 30 seconds and said, bushwah.

    Bushwah, a technical term. Not a random bushwah. A real bushwah.

    Overall, the look is easy on the eye. You just need to define your borders.

    Love and peace,


    1. In my brief examination, it looks like only a couple (weird looking) templates support variable widths. I think I'll keep it simple and stay with fixed widths. I just want to find a good compromise that fits the most readers' displays without too much wasted space.

  5. Template, schmemplate, Inno.

    I go for original content over bells and whistles. Just entertain me, and I'm good. Your old template was fine with me. And this new look is fine.


    1. Old template didn't support this nested commenting. And I was getting tired of the garish colors. You sound a bit crabby. Must be the Duck in you rising to the surface. :)

  6. Layout looks good in late versions of Mozilla and Safari, sucks in Chrome, CoolNova, Lunascape, and IE (among others). Monitor size doesn't matter; your borders appear to be geared toward the Firefox/Apple set. I use 27" and 20" lcd monitors on the main unit here, and results are the same - so forget monitor dimensions. Lunascape, SlimBrowser, Maxthon, and a bunch of others all base off the IE standards (such as they are). Chrome, Chromium, and CoolNova all claim to be based out of Google's Chrome standard, but when you poke around in there, well - Chrome seems to have "borrowed" extensively from the MSIE toolset as well.

    It's been a few years since I used the blogger site, which was purchased by Google, so I'm sure that the under the hood stuff has changed considerably. Since most of their stuff is geared toward the heavy users (MS and clones), I'm guessing that the template you've chosen was done by an Apple person (third-party). That would explain why it defaults nicely to Safari and Firefox, while flipping the bird to IE-based users.

    It's very nice looking, which supports the Apple thesis - and really, who needs your sidebars?

    Oh...if you stuff content into there, or cool links, or whatever...well then, most users simply won't see it unless they're using Safari or Firefox, so that cuts out 90% of the riff-raff. If I was messing around with a Blogger template, I'd print the html and highlight anything that goes past about 480 pixels to leave room for sidebars.

    Either that, or tell everybody to screw off unless they have the latest Firefox or Safari browser (which would, admittedly, be far easier).

    In answer to the as yet unasked query: yes - I have all of the browsers mentioned above, both older and most recent versions, and I ran them all on your site. I have seven systems on my home network; all built by me. I run MS Windows 7, XP, Vista, and a few versions of Linux. At last count, I have 9 browsers (counting the Linux versions)ranging in age from six years to a couple of days ago.

    It may seem like overkill, but there are several factors to consider: it's inexpensive to build high-end machines, and while having, say, 4 TB onboard was like going to Mars a few years ago, it's easy and cheap now. With the systems and network I've built, I not only have more than a lot of storage; I can run from different platforms, though I dumped OS/2 shortly after its introduction.

    My family can choose to use the systems that they feel comfortable with - they don't like Win7 nor Linux, though I'm not yet clear as to why.

    But take that as a case: how comfortable are people going to be if they have to switch to a different browser to view the full content on your site? Not a problem for me, but most people are likely to take a pass. Just sayin'.

  7. Thumbs up! I'm on my desktop. Next time I break out my netbook, I'll take a look and let you know.


  8. BTW, Firefoxing. Netbook is Win 7 and I use IE on it. I'll let ya' know.

  9. I'm a man who hates change. (Unless of course I need quarters at a peep show) but this template is good.

  10. INNO, looking good, but I would narrow it just a bit ... say maybe 50 pixels. Do your two sidebars plus post area equal the total width? The reason I ask is I must scroll sideways to get all in, but when I do there is nothing there.

    As a general rule I tell everyone to make the center area wide enough to accommodate an extra large photo or a wide video which are both 640 pixels. 660 to 700 pixels in the center usually work well.

    I use a 15" Mac Book Pro with Lion and a Firefox browser. I don't however use the hole screen, but all but about 3/4" of an inch on either side. This is so I can upload from the desktop photos for my blog.

    Like I say, your whole display fits but the whole gray background does not.

  11. I like it. It shows there is change, and hope... Too big for my view, that seems to be a trend for blogs.

  12. Works for me... and I like threaded comments, too

  13. Looks good to me. The old HP Pavillion can grind it out fine. Go for it!

  14. I can't remember what it used to look like......

    Only one suggestion: make the middle column variable ("xx%"). I'm on a 15.1" laptop screen - FireFox (Since Max tested all the other browsers known to man, I won't try any others. Wait a minute - since he said it's sub-optimal with Chrome, I'll take a look ... I don't see a difference.).

    I can see the whole thing if I go full-screen, but I druther not do that.

    Just looked at the source. Whew! That's some serious diddlin'!

    Nested comments are cool.

  15. My two cents: Looking at it from my desktop, looks pretty good!


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